Political Pizza

Political Pizza

Monday, October 25, 2010

Pizza Propaganda

          Both Carl Paladino and Andrew Cuomo have used social networking sites in order to keep in touch with the public.  Because most young people use these sites, it's a fantastic way to recieve votes from a different crowd and get a better understanding of what they want.  When I clicked on both Paladino and Cuomo's Facebooks, it occured to me that these candidates for governor did not contribute to their own sites. Neither was personal and both Facebooks are a complete waste of time to look at.
      On a brighter note, both pages were similar in that both had introductions. However, Paladino's was short and to the point, but i didnt quite understand why it said that he was not trying to be a politician.  His picture agrees with this statement because it is a picture of a much younger him in an army uniform, trying to manipulate the viewer into thinking that he is an ordinary citizen just trying to make a difference and simply speak his mind. On the other hand, Cuomo's introduction tells of his accomplishments, which I find to be nice because it shows the viewer that if he has done these great things for the people before, he can repeat them and help us out once again.  Also, his picture caught my attention because he was smiling.  It showed me that being a politician didnt have to be a totally serious thing.  It made me find a liking to him.  Lastly, both Facebooks had news about each candidate and important achievements they had done.
       Based on the Facebooks of Carl Paladino and Andrew Cuomo, I would choose Cuomo's.  Although neither was personal, his had some interesting details such as his picture and introduction.  The simplicity of everything made the site less overwhelming and less manipulative.  This activity does not have any impact, whatsoever, on my opinion.  As you may know already, I am not so easily swayed and these sites are used nothing more then to have a "connection" with different people.  These sites would have been more effective if there were more personal touches from each candidate. Sorry Paladino and Cuomo, but please, stick with your own websites.

Alison Cohen
B Band

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Abort That Pizza, Chef.

A woman’s right to choose abortion has become an issue in the campaigns for state office.  Paladino and Cuomo both have very different opinions on this national topic. The National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League has jumped in and stated their opinion and has bashed Paladino for this stance against abortion.  Being raised Catholic, Paladino has always had very strong beliefs on this topic. “My personal opinions may differ from what the laws are. I will enforce the laws of the State of New York,” said Paladino. He also stated that he would try and change the law.  This is the very reason why some women wouldnt vote for him.  They would charged as criminals because of their opinion.  Cuomo, on the other hand, says “They’ve been lulled into a false sense of security.”   Women have been misled, thinking that they could have their opinion, but in reality, that right is taken away.  Cuomo feels as though Paladino's opinion on the subject is extreme. “That is a frightening position from a woman’s point of view, and society’s point of view,” said Cuomo. I like how Cuomo is trying to view this issue from everyone's perspective. I chose this subject because I am a woman and feel very strongly about this issue.  I feel as though it is the woman's decision to keep a baby or not, not some politicans.  The candidate I agree with is obviously Cuomo.  He viewed the situation from a woman's point of view and that gives me a sense of sercurity because he cares about what the people want, not just himself and that gives me satisfaction.

Alison Cohen
B Band

Friday, October 22, 2010

Sicilian Social Networks- Jacqueline Ruoff

Andrew Cuomo and Carl Paladino have created their own Facebooks. Having a social networking site allows the candidates to interact with voters on a more a more personal level. Most young voters have a Facebook. If they click "like" on each candidates page, they will get updates. Followers can view each candidates ideas and events easily. Each update will appear on their news feed, they don't need to search on different websites and roam the Internet.

Although the layout of their Facebooks are the same, the details in each makes the difference. Both of their walls are about the same. Each mentions events and links to support them. However, the information about themselves differed. Cuomo's seemed more personal and related. He summarizes his past positions and journey. On Paladino's, its much shorter. He simply states he is not a  politician and will always speak his mind. It seems very arrogant and uncomfortable. From these similarities and differences, I would say Andrew Cuomo's page was better. However, you cannot choose a candidate based on their social networking sites. These sites are run by their assistants, not the candidate themselves. Although, the sites can influence your decision slightly. They way others present them on these sites can show their characteristics.

Gabagool Gay Rights- jacqueline ruoff

I researched each candidates view on gay rights. Andrew Cuomo would like to enact marriage equality. He believes its wrong to discriminate against same-sex marriages. Having same-sex marriages would give the spouses more benefits.  Without marriage equality, they loose the opportunities to receive the same health insurance, automatic rights, and others. Cuomo is going to fight to end the discrimination. Paladino is for gay rights, but not gay marriage. Paladino's plan has been described as  "funneling resources away from fighting poverty to stop gays from marrying, denying money to homeless shelters because they may be too LGBT-friendly, and calling LGBT people a threat to the fabric of humanity." I chose this subject because it is an issue that has been getting a lot of attention. The candidate I agree with is Andrew Cuomo. I don't think you should give the gays all the rights except marriage.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dude, where's the nearest culinary...I mean charter school?

Paladino's Plan on Education: Alison Cohen and Matteo Agrusa

          As a concerned citizen and a father, Paladino feels strongly about the education system. He would like revise the school system in order to keep our country the best it could be. Paladino has always helped out the government and his community as well by creating scholarships for those citizens who couldn't help themselves. 

 A way to help out the education system would be to extend the school year and the hours.  A foreign language would be encouraged to further benefit the students. He would increase science and math curriculum to prepare students for the global economy.  Schools of every level would receive the great benefits of this plan. Alsom charter schoosl are another way to help out the community and the state as a whole. In charter schools, higher standards are set.  Paladino would like to increase the number of charter schools from 200 to 500 schools.  This would give parents the opportunity to send their children to a great learning atmosphere, even if their living conditions arent the best.  This enables a more successful rate of students to learn how they could improve. Also, these schools would not be intolerant of different religions and therefore wouldnt have a conflict of which religious school is better and how some students cant attend because of their religion.  Paladino would try and improve the education system because he believes strongly in it and we should give him the chance to show what he can do.

edible EDUCATION- Jacqueline Ruoff and Lester Li

Cuomo's plan for education supports charter schools. He wants to build more charter schools, but in selective areas. "Cuomo said he would require charter schools to increase their enrollment of special education and English language learning students."He's going to use other school fundings to put his plan into action. Cuomo plans to "steer more dollars to struggling, inner-city schools, and continues to struggle'to secure that money even after the Supreme Court ruled that New York’s funding formula was unconstitutional."Cuomo doesn't mention how he will improve tests or scores. I dislike this idea. Charters school do not benefit students as much as public schools. In charter schools, students stay in a school from K-12 grade. They wont develop the social skills that's students who change schools form. Paladino and Cuomo both want to build more charter schools. However, their plans to construct them are different. 

Hawkins, Andrew J. "Cuomo Consideration: An Education Plan That Encourages Charter Growth, Funding Cuts." City Hall News, Providing Substantive Analysis of Policy and Politics. Web. 21 Oct. 2010. <http://www.cityhallnews.com/newyork/article-1602-cuomo-consideration-an-education-plan-that-encourages-charter-growth-funding-cuts.html>.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Chef, We Have a Problem

Cuomo and Paladino have very different plans on how to reduce unemployment.  Cuomo is trying to call for more help in economically depressed areas in order to reduce the poverty rate.  He would have more housing vouchers and redevelope housing projects that are not functioning correctly.  Instead of developing a new Department of Housing and Urban Development, Cuomo would reinvent it and fill in the gaps that need to be fixed. Paladino, on the other hand, feels as though people should not be given money simply because they are in need of it, they must work for it.  He would create a program in which long-term welfare recipients and people who have lost their jobs due to the recession get a chance to make their money again. He is proposing that in order to carry out his plan that he would use prison facilities and vacant ones to house the people who can work.  These recipients would work for the state and would recieve benefits in exchange for their service. Although Paladino's idea seems insane, I believe that he has the right goal, but a very intense process.  I do believe that people should not simply be given money, they should work like the rest of us and if they can't find jobs, here's their chance.  I wouldn't, however, make them work in prisons, but I would do something more humane such as getting them involved in their community so they dont feel so pointless. Cuomo's idea is great, but it's unrealistic.  Whether or not housing projects are fixed, the people who live there will stay the same.  People who dont have jobs will not automatically find one because their living situation is better.  Therefore, although I may be the only one in this country, I feel as though Paladino has the right direction, but the wrong process causing him to have the better plan.

Cuomo:  http://www.lohud.com/article/20100928/NEWS05/9280380/Andrew-Cuomo-announces-proposal-to-revive-upstate-economy
Paladino: http://beavercountyblue.org/2010/08/23/unemployment-problem-solved-dept-tea-party-candidate-wants-to-bring-back-the-poor-house-and-expand-prison-jobs/

Alison Cohen
B Band